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[Violetta3] Information in English

[Violetta3] Information in English

These are the most important informations about the third season of Violetta. First we would like to tell you about the characters and how they changed. We hope that you will be pleased with our post. Let's read more.

# New Characters

Priscilla is acted by Florencia Ortiz.  Priscilla is Ludmila's mother. German will fall in love with her. She will fall in love with him too. The two families will live in one house. Will they get married? Will Ludmila and Violetta be sisters?

Clement is acted by Damien Lauretta. He is from France. Clement is a new student in Studio On Beat, but everybody knows him as Alex. His father doesn't want Clement to become an artist. Will clement keep lying to his father?

Gery is played by a Mexican actress Macarena Miguel.  She will work in Gregorios new school. She will fall in love with Leon, but he loves Violetta. Gery is a very talented at singing.

Milton is played by a Brazilian actor Rodrigo Frampton. He is a new singing teacher. Students don't like him because he is rude and arrogant. Will the teachers find out what Milton is really like?

Nicolas (played by Nacho Gadano) is Clements father. He is very rich and influential. He will fall in love with Jade. Will Jade finally find a man for the rest of her life?

Matylda is played by Justyna Bojczuk. She's from Poland too! She will appear in episode 47. She will interfere in Maxi and Naty's relationship. She will also sing some songs in both, English and Spanish.

#Appearance of the characters
You can find the post with the pictures from the photo shoot here. Violetta has now blonde hair and Cami has got red hair ;)

Shooting for the new season started in April 2014 and finished in November 2014. Thanks to social networks the cast of Violetta informed us about their work during the shooting. In the third season if Violetta their will be special appearances by Rock Bones as in two previous seasons. In the last episodes we will see the band R5 with Ross Lynch. The shooting took place in Buenos Aires, Barcelona and Savilla.  You can see some photos from the shooting below:

#Unexpected departures

Xabiani Ponce De Leon and Alberto Fernandez decided to leave the cast of Violetta. We won't see them after episode 20.

#New Opening
In the new intro we can see Ruggero Pasquarelli, Damien Lauretta,  Macarena Miguel, Florencia Ortiz,  rodrigo Frampton and Diego alcala. End mi mundo is remixed.

We hope you are satisfied of our post and we are waiting for information about what you want read next time.

Tekst przetłumaczył na język angielski Mateusz, bo z moim angielskim jest niestety źle.
Post jest w języku angielskim i zawiera najważniejsze informacje dotyczące 3 sezonu. Kilka osób z UK pisało do nas z prośbą by stworzyć post w języku angielskim, bo są ciekawi dalszych rozwojów sytuacji. Translate google nie wchodził w grę ze względu na zły przekład ;)

55 komentarzy:

  1. Odpowiedzi
    1. Jest tutaj napisane to, co zapewne wiesz od bardzo dawna, więc nic Cię nie ominęło. Post został napisany dla osób z UK, gdzie leci dopiero 2. sezon, dlatego jest on po angielsku. Swoją drogą, nie mam tutaj jakichś bardzo wyszukanych słów czy zwrotów, więc wydaje mi się, że powinnaś choć część z tego zrozumieć xD

    2. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.

    3. bo nie znasz angielskiego dziewczynko xd

    4. A ty z pewnością znasz

  2. Odpowiedzi
    1. Pewnie wiele osób wchodzi na bloga zza granicy ;)

    2. Przecież na dole masz jak byk wytłumaczone, dlaczego. Wystarczy czytać do końca...

  3. Thank you !!! :)

  4. Mogłabym poprawić niektóre błędy? Pytam, bo nie wiem czy warto się od razu rozpisywać XD Czekam na odpowiedź! ;)

    1. napisz do mnie na maila -

  5. Aj, thank you very much!

  6. Thank you so much!
    I love Vilovers in Poland!


    1. Ohhh thank you :) <33

    2. We love you to
      You should comment more often on this blog cuz I love writing in English because its my second language :)

  7. I tak zauważyłam co najmniej jeden błąd !

  8. I am from the uk and do not understand.

    1. I am from Poland and I understood this because I know how people in Poland teach English but I would ask people who is fluent in English before they shared this so I know what u meant with "I am from uk and do not understand".Too much mistakes in the text above.

    2. Sorry I meant person who is...

    3. Sorry, but you are of Polish and I'm from the UK so I know better what and how.

    4. Ok, you're from UK and you know English better than us, and I know, that it's very much mistakes in this text, but it seems to me that you at least must understand sense of this text...

    5. There are mistakes in the text but I have been living in Ireland for like 13 years now and I somehow understood this :)

    6. There's no possible reason that you wouldn't be able to understand this :)

    7. Oh ok, so how can you explain this, because I am from UK as well and can understand everything perfectly fine...

  9. Potrzebujecie tłumacza angielskiego xd Pytam z powodu iz jest tu bardzo duzo błędów

  10. Hey its me :) this post is great, there is a couple of mistakes in it but they don't really matter :) if you would like I could help you correct the mistakes :) my friends are also very happy that you decided to write them in English. Thank you so much :D

  11. Mimo, że to wszystko wiem od dawna to całkiem przyjemnie się go czyta

  12. Przynajmniej miałam okazję sprawdzić swój angielski xD.
    Błędy, błędami, ale przynajmniej ci zza granicy zrozumieli :P

    Napiszcie o niej, bo dzięki niej bd zauważeni przes obsadę!

  14. Wow.. thanks ;)

    1. Ja wszystko zrozumialam :))) I understood everything

  15. Moze robcie wiecej tskich postów ?

  16. Wow! Thanks you very very very much! It's very nice!
    Dziekujemy bardzo redakcja teraz rozumiemy przynajmniej cos!
    Greetings to V -lovers of Polish, i love you so much.
    We are all one big family!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. We Love u toooo
      *Family hug* :)

    2. Hej lindy ja tez mieszkam w irlandii :)

    3. Seriooo? Ale fajnie :))

    4. No patrz jaki ten swiat maly :)

    5. Irlandia? Aj, I'm from Irland!

    6. I live there !! :) what part of Ireland are you from? .
      I'm from county galway :)

    7. Galway? I live in Castebar :)

    8. Hi Lilietex! :) My name is Paulina.:) I have family in Irland. In Febuary I will going to Tuam, near Galway. Can You tell me is there a diary of Violetta? :) You can write to me on my address :) Please send me a message.
      Sorry for my English.
      xx Palka. :)

    9. Postaram się korzystać z google tłumacz, bo widzę, że większość z nich tu polacy. ^^ Nigdy nie widziałem pamiętnik, oryginał, bo pewnie to masz na myśli. Raczej nie mieć tego sklepy :)

  17. I'm glad I could help with the corrections ;)

  18. Fajnie, że postanowiliście spełnić prośbę ludzi z UK bo widziałam ich komentarze. Nawet nie wiedział, że będzie R5.

  19. Patkahm tell me if you need help in writing a post the next time :) I really enjoyed helping you :)

  20. Jak byś potrzebowała pomocy z tłumaczeniem to napisz :

  21. Ja nie umiem angielskiego a trochę zrozumiałam bo jest dość prosto napisane ml. Miło się czytało :)

  22. Hmm..Angielski nie zbyt zaawansowany,ale sens da się z tego wyciągnąć i myślę że mimo wszystko pomoże to pewnym Anglikom...
